Wat vooraf ging aan the Cailleach Beira
Dit is een (lang) artikel met diverse doorkijkjes naar wat er vooraf ging aan Schotse mythes en legenden over de Cailleach, soms ook Beira genoemd, de Schotse creatie-godin.
Dit vond ik een heel boeiend stukje:
"Beira was "at once creator and destroyer, gentle and fierce, mother and nurturer”. She was unique in several ways compared to other female creator gods and goddesses, for example, most others represent the universal concepts of duality and polarity which people experienced in the creating and destructive powers of nature, which they used to form their world views and greater cosmological speculations.
But Beira was the controller of 'our inner worlds' the manipulator of fate, moods, foresight, premonitions and dreams. She was more that the holder or balancer of polarity and duality, she was the essential energy upon which both of these concepts stood. She was the archetypal witch, the maker and destroyer of worlds who came from another dimension, where she stirred the cosmic soup of creation in her universal cauldron."
Ze werd dus niet alleen gezien als degene die polariteit en dualiteit in balans houdt, maar als de wezenlijke energie waarin deze concepten hun bedding vinden.
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