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Introduction to Golden Sphere Energetics


Humanity is at a defining moment in our evolutionary cycle. We have a choice to awaken and embrace Love as conscious co-creators here on Earth. Within you is the key to the quantum shift of humanity and the Earth. You have a choice to awaken and actively participate in this shift, both individually and collectively.

Golden Sphere Energetics

TonyChristie-LoveTransmitterThe Golden Sphere Energetics are a collection of new, dynamic, high vibrational symbols and energetic devices to assist you in your time here on Earth. They operate on infinite unconditional love and represent the divine creative energy that is at your core and is your core.

These energetic devices assist in raising the vibration of humanity, healing humanity and facilitating the emergence of a new way of being. They help to clear heavy energies from your energy bodies, raise your vibration, get you more into The Flow, take you on amazing journey to higher realms, and more. The overall experience of using the Golden Sphere Energetics is one of higher awareness, greater clarity, experiencing infinite unconditional love and a greater knowing of the Oneness that you are.

The range of Golden Sphere Energetic devices consist of individual shapes and group devices, some of which you can use on your own and others that are more powerful with others. The more advanced golden sphere energetics are ways of creating a love filled, compassionate, advanced and evolving society of infinite love, beauty, peace, joy and bliss and fun.

The Golden Sphere Energetics were brought through by Tony Ærcyus Christie in his meditations while he was a part of the Holding the Light 2020 Group during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Contents of the workshop

In this workshop, you will learn about and experience some of the different types of Golden Sphere Energetic devices and how to use them, including:
1. Vibration Elevator
2. Clearing Disc
3. Individual Golden Sphere Activation
4. The Cosmic Disc
5. The Love Transmitter

Testimonials from previous Participants

  • “What you have been given, and what you are doing, is extraordinarily powerful and extraordinarily important for all of humanity!” – Christina Pierson
  • “It was an extraordinary experience. I have been illuminated since that experience and so tapped into Source.” – Jennifer
  • “It was like I was hypnotised in this beautiful state of being. feeling completely relaxed and at peace. It was like I was connected to the flow of the universe and nothing else mattered.” – Elaine

About Tony Ærcyus Christie 

Tony Christie

Tony Ærcyus Christie is a Messenger of Oneness, mystic, and spiritual teacher. He has been receiving the Golden Sphere Energetic devices for the past several years and is now being guided to share them with humanity.

He is author of “Labyrinth: Your Path to Self-Discovery” and the creator of The Labyrinth Wisdom Cards; a deck of wonderfully insightful cards with messages for you on your journey in life. He has reintroduced an ancient form of healing based on the labyrinth called Melchizedek Labyrinth Healing. He is also a Reiki Master, Reflexologist, and a practitioner of Kriya Yoga.

Praktische informatie

  • Datum:
    zondag 15 september 2024

  • Tijd:
    van 10:00 tot ongeveer 17:00 uur

  • Locatie:
    de Dansherberg, Voordijk 22 in St Hubert (N-Br)

  • Bijdrage: €126,-
    Lunch is niet inbegrepen, neem ajb je eigen lunch mee

  • Goed om te weten:
    De workshop wordt in begrijpelijk Engels gegeven; waar nodig staan vertalers paraat om een nuance te verduidelijken.

  • Meer informatie:
    over Tony Ærcyus Christie en zijn werk vind je op www.TonyMChristie.com.

  • Aanmelden:
    Aanmelden kan rechtstreeks bij Tony via Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. of bij Jack via Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..

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Soms bedenk ik wel zes onmogelijke dingen nog voor het ontbijt!

- toegeschreven aan Pippi Langkous